Barton-Brown Observatory (BBO)
at the Waterville Public Library (WPL)
206 White Street, Waterville, NY 13480

The observatory roof rolls to the left over supports exposing a 20' by 20' open air observing area that houses two permanently mounted telescopes with room for additional portable ones. Enclosed is a 10' by 14' warm room equipped with an internet connected computer capable of controlling the telescopes remotely from the warm room for astroimaging, desk, sofa, heater, library references, maps, and other amenities.
- 16" Seif Telescope: Meade LX-200 Schmidt-Cassegrain
- 12" Astro-Tech Ritchey-Chretien Astrograph Telescope
- 4" Dulak Telescope: Lunt H-alpha Solar Telescope
- Dedication of the Barton-Brown Observatory (BBO)
- Construction of the BBO
- History of the BBO
- Usage of the BBO
Our partner: Waterville Public Library